mandag 23. mars 2009


The memories in my mind
is of an easier time
When all I did was play
didn't matter night or day
I was jolly, I was free
I was an explorer, travelling a cross the sea
Future and worries had nothig to say
They still laid miles away
My life was like a christmas song
But now my childhood has come and gone
My memories, back in my mind they stay
Just in case a rainy day

- Esther Monshouwer

fredag 20. mars 2009

Poem written by me

Open your eyes and look at your reflection
Is this your image of perfection
You once had a voice, you once had name
But now it's lost in this game
Illusion, delusion, your opinion is gone
To get through, you have to be strong
They hunger, they yearn, they want your soul
If you give up, you'll never be whole.

- Esther Monshouwer

torsdag 12. mars 2009


Det er lenge siden jeg tegnet sist. har som oftest ikke tålmodighet til å bruke mer enn fem minutter på en tegning. men når jeg er hjemme på Åknes er det ikke mye mer man kan finne på :P Det har vert koslig å være hjemme noen dager, men må si jeg er glad for at jeg skal tilbake til Sortland i morgen. Da blir det shopping og sitte på kafé sammen med lillesøsteren min ^^,

onsdag 11. mars 2009

Gratulere med dagen Hassira! :*

Et klipp fra Familie Guy :'D

mandag 9. mars 2009


So much magic in the world,
hidden and forgotten
as a child you saw it everywhere
you knew it was true, you knew it was there
what have changed, why don't you know
what was true then, is still true now.

- Esther Monshouwer